Toca reflejar el balance productivo del pasado año. He tenido la suerte de haber cosechado numerosos premios este año por el trabajo infográfico realizado durante 2013 en el South China Morning Post, Así que aquí va un resumen.
Time to reflect the productive stock of the past year. I have been fortunate to have garnered numerous awards this year for the infographic work in the South China Morning Post, so here's a summary.
Society for News Design, "Best of Newspaper Design" 35th Edition
-Silver medal for individual portfolio
-Judge's Special Rrcognition for infographic works
-17 Award of Excellence
-Gold medal for Individual portfolio
-Gold medal for "City of Anarchy"
-4 Bronze medals
WAN-IFRA Asia Awards Online graphics
-Gold medal for "City of Anarchy"
WAN-IFRA Asia Awards for Print graphics
-Silver medal for "Once Upon a Time in Hong Kong"
Journalism Hong Kong Society
-Gold medal for "City of Anarchy"
Aquí recibiendo un oro Malofiej de manos de David Kordalski, presidente de la Society for News Design.